Laboratory Report


Effect of Dietary Fiber on Transit Time and Bile


current date


Materials and Methods

  1. Name the type of method used to measure transit time.
  2. Name the type of method used to measure the amount of bile acids in solution.


Effect of Fiber on Transit Time - Number of Markers in Stomach
Standard Diet Insoluble Fiber-Rich Diet Soluble Fiber-Rich Diet
Minutes After Markers Ingestion. Number of Markers Present. Minutes After Markers Ingestion. Number of Markers Present. Minutes After Markers Ingestion. Number of Markers Present.
Subject 60 min 180 min 240 min 60 min 180 min 240 min 60 min 180 min 240 min

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Average Percentage of The Total Markers

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Food Transition Through the Stomach
  1. For the standard meal, what is the average percentage of markers remaining in the stomach at 60 min, 180 min, and 240 min?
  2. For the meal with insoluble fibers, what is the average percentage of markers remaining in the stomach at 60 min, 180 min, and 240 minutes?
  3. For the meal with soluble fibers, what is the average percentage of markers remaining in the stomach at 60 min, 180 min, and 240 min?
  4. Which meal had the greatest average percentage of markers in the stomach at 180 minutes?
Effect of Fiber on Transit Time - Number of Markers in Large Bowel
Hours After Markers Ingestion. Number of Markers Present. Hours After Markers Ingestion. Number of Markers Present. Hours After Markers Ingestion. Number of Markers Present. Hours After Markers Ingestion. Number of Markers Present.
24 hours 48 hours 96 hours 24 hours 48 hours 96 hours 24 hours 48 hours 96 hours 24 hours 48 hours 96 hours
Standard Diet 1

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Average Percentage of The Total Markers

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Insoluble Fiber-Rich Diet 1

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Average Percentage of The Total Markers

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Soluble Fiber-Rich Diet 1

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Average Percentage of The Total Markers

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Food Transition Through the Large Bowel
  1. For the standard meal, what is the average percentage of markers in the right colon (RC), left colon (LC), sigmoid colon (SC) and total colon at 24, 48, and 96 hours?
  2. For the meal with insoluble fibers, what is the average percentage of markers in the right colon (RC), left colon (LC), sigmoid colon (SC) and total colon at 24, 48, and 96 hours?
  3. For the meal with soluble fibers, what is the average percentage of markers in right colon (RC), left colon (LC), sigmoid colon (SC) and total colon at 24, 48, and 96 hours?
  4. Which meal had the least percentage of markers in the total colon at 24 hours?
Effect of Dietary Fiber on Bile Acid Adsorption
Experimental Trials Optical density (OD) of colored filtrate (reflects amount of bile acid in filtrate) 1 - OD (reflects amount of bile acid adsorbed by food particles)
Bile Acid With Buffer Solution (No Fibers Standard Meal Without Bile Standard Meal With Bile Acid Fiber-Rich Meal Without Bile Fiber-Rich Meal With Bile Acid Bile Acid With Buffer Solution (No Fibers Standard Meal Without Bile Standard Meal With Bile Acid Fiber-Rich Meal Without Bile Fiber-Rich Meal With Bile Acid

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Effect of Dietary Fibers on Bile Acid Adsorption
  1. Which had the greatest average OD (amount of bile acid in filtrate), the standard meal with bile acid or the fiber-rich meal with bile acid?
  2. Which had the greatest average 1- OD (amount of bile acid adsorbed to meal particles), the standard meal with bile acid or the fiber-rich meal with bile acid?


  1. Approximately how long did it take for a meal to move through the stomach, less than 60 minutes, between 60 and 180 minutes, or between 180 and 240 minutes?
  2. Which meal spent the most time in the stomach? Explain your choice based on your results.
  3. Approximately how long did it take for a meal to move through the colon for the standard diet, the soluble fiber-rich diet, and insoluble fiber-rich diet?
  4. Which meal spent the least time in the colon? Explain your choice based on your results.
  5. Based on the average number of markers in the right colon and the average total number of markers in the colon at 24 hours, which meal do you think spent the least amount time in the small intestine? Explain your choice based on your results.
  6. Does fiber increase or decrease the amount of bile lost in feces? Explain your choice based on your results.


  1. Explain why eating a high fiber diet may reduce your serum cholesterol level.
  2. Based on your results, speculate why eating a high fiber diet may prevent large changes in blood glucose levels.

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