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Synopsis of Experiment

In the first experiment, the effect of altitude on levels of HCT and Hb will be examined. In the second experiment, ABO and Rh blood testing will be performed by observing agglutination (clumping) caused by binding of red blood cell antigens and antibodies in serums applied to blood samples within families.

Experiment 1: Effect of Altitude on Hematocrit and Hemoglobin Concentration Values

The effect of altitude will be studied by comparing the measurements of hematocrit (Hct) and hemoglobin concentration in subjects exercising at sea level and then moving to train at a high altitude. Blood Hct is obtained by centrifuging a whole blood sample collected in a capillary tube and determining percentage of RBCs in the blood sample. Hemoglobin will be measured with a hemoglobinometer.

Experiment 2: ABO and Rh Blood Typing

ABO and Rh blood typing will be performed on 3 sets of families that each include a biological father, mother, and child. Anti-serum will be used to determine the presence or absence of A, B, and Rh antigens on RBC surface. Presence of antigens will be determined by agglutination in the presence of anti-sera.


Based on what you know, predict the outcome of the experiment. Complete the statements below by choosing one response for each.

When you are done, click the Submit button to save your responses to the laboratory report.


IMPORTANT: If you do not click the Submit to Lab Report button, the answers will not appear in your Laboratory Report. You will see “undefined” in the answer blanks for Predictions and Materials and Methods when you Save to PDF.





Now determine the dependent, independent, and controlled variables for each experiment in this laboratory activity by clicking on the appropriate answers.

Check your answers until you have chosen all variables correctly. There will be one choice for Dependent and Independent Variables and multiple choices for Controlled Variables. When you are done, click the Submit button to save your responses to the laboratory report.

IMPORTANT: If you do not click the Submit to Lab Report button, the answers will not appear in your Laboratory Report. You will see “undefined” in the answer blanks for Predictions and Materials and Methods when you Save to PDF.

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