Laboratory Report


Regulation of Pulmonary Ventilation


current date


Materials and Methods

  1. As pCO2 levels were increased, the concentration of a gas in the inhaled air was decreased in order to maintain the oxygen levels. Name that gas.


The Effect of Hypercapnia on Pulmonary Ventilation
Subject 0.04% carbon dioxide
(normal air)
2% carbon dioxide 4% carbon dioxide 6% carbon dioxide
MV (L/min) pCO2 (mmHg) pO2 (mmHg) mHg pH MV (L/min) pCO2 (mmHg) pO2 (mmHg) mHg pH MV (L/min) pCO2 (mmHg) pO2 (mmHg) mHg pH MV (L/min) pCO2 (mmHg) pO2 (mmHg)  mHg pH 

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Minimum 4 characters, three numbers, one digital full stop. The Average value is valid, thank you. Sorry. Your value is wrong. Please try again. The valid Average value is correct, thank you.

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Minimum 3 characters, two numbers, one digital full stop. The Average value is valid, thank you. Sorry. Your value is wrong. Please try again. The valid Average value is correct, thank you.

Effect of Inhaled Carbon Dioxide on Minute Ventilation
Effect of Inhaled Carbon Dioxide on Arterial pCO2
Effect of Inhaled Carbon Dioxide on Arterial pO2
Effect of Inhaled Carbon Dioxide on Arterial pH
  1. State whether increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in inhaled air increased, decreased or did not change minute ventilation from normal.
  2. What is the minute ventilation when inhaled air contains 5% carbon dioxide?
  3. State whether increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in inhaled air increased, decreased or did not change arterial pCO2 from normal.
  4. What is the arterial pCO2 when inhaled air contains 5% carbon dioxide?
  5. State whether increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in inhaled air increased, decreased or did not change arterial pO2 from normal.
  6. What is the arterial pO2 when inhaled air contains 5% carbon dioxide?
  7. State whether increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in inhaled air increased, decreased or did not change plasma pH from normal.
  8. What is the arterial blood pH when inhaled air contains 5% carbon dioxide?
The Effect of Hypoxemia on Pulmonary Ventilation
Subject 20.9% oxygen
(normal air)
19% oxygen 17% oxygen 15% oxygen
MV (L/min) pCO2 (mmHg) pO2 (mmHg) mHg pH MV (L/min) pCO2 (mmHg) pO2 (mmHg) mHg pH MV (L/min) pCO2 (mmHg) pO2 (mmHg) mHg pH MV (L/min) pCO2 (mmHg) pO2 (mmHg) mHg pH

Minimum 3 characters, two numbers, one digital full stop. The Average value is valid, thank you. Sorry. Your value is wrong. Please try again. The valid Average value is correct, thank you.

Minimum 4 characters, three numbers, one digital full stop. The Average value is valid, thank you. Sorry. Your value is wrong. Please try again. The valid Average value is correct, thank you.

Minimum 4 characters, three numbers, one digital full stop. The Average value is valid, thank you. Sorry. Your value is wrong. Please try again. The valid Average value is correct, thank you.

Minimum 3 characters, two numbers, one digital full stop. The Average value is valid, thank you. Sorry. Your value is wrong. Please try again. The valid Average value is correct, thank you.

Effect of Inhaled Oxygen on Minute Ventilation
Effect of Inhaled Oxygen on Arterial pCO2
Effect of Inhaled Oxygen on Arterial pO2
Effect of Inhaled Oxygen on Arterial pH
  1. State whether increasing the amount of oxygen in inhaled air increased, decreased or did not change minute ventilation from normal.
  2. What is the minute ventilation when inhaled air contains 16% oxygen?
  3. State whether increasing the amount of oxygen in inhaled air increased, decreased or did not change arterial pCO2 from normal.
  4. What is the arterial pCO2 when inhaled air contains 16% oxygen?
  5. State whether increasing the amount of oxygen in inhaled air increased, decreased or did not change arterial pO2 from normal.
  6. What is the arterial pO2 when inhaled air contains 16% oxygen?
  7. State whether increasing the amount of oxygen in inhaled air increased, decreased or did not change plasma pH from normal.
  8. What is the arterial pH when inhaled air contains 16% oxygen?


  1. Discuss the relationship between CO2 and pH and their affect on minute ventilation
  2. Discuss how inhaling increased amounts of CO2 affects pulmonary ventilation.
  3. Discuss how inhaling decreased amounts of O2 affects pulmonary ventilation.
  4. Discuss how plasma pH affects the hemoglobin saturation curves and the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues.
  5. Restate your predictions that were correct and give data from your experiment that support them. Restate your predictions that were not correct and correct them with supporting data from your experiment.


A small child announces to her parents that she is going to hold her breath until they let her watch more television.

  1. Explain how the child's blood carbon dioxide, hydrogen ions, and bicarbonate ions levels change during breath holding.
  2. If she continues to hold her breath, will she pass out? Explain.

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